Saturday, 1 March 2008

Dear New Zealand Post Show Skypers

Guys, thanks soooo much for getting up early on Saturday to share the buzzy moment of having just opened our Strangers Slough show.

With your help and support over the past chunk of a year, we told a great story with some wonderful characters and our audience were wowed by what WE have created together.

I must apologise though to you all if at all you felt that we somehow bulldozed your beautiful Maori song by singing along with the tune at the end of your rendition.

It was meant to show you that we too knew it in our hearts and that it has become an anthem for us these past few months. Of course, what it must have come across as was a load of excited teenagers laa - ing away in a hyper sort of way. We were hyper, yes!

When we used your song in our show we used it in sync with a physical theatre boat, gently swaying as the settlers arrive on the shores of New Zealand to hear this beautiful melody. Our actors then sang it in Maori, then hummed it quietly whilst signing and speaking the words, 'If I were a bird on the wing etc.' It was definitely one of our favourite elements in rehearsal.

It highlighted for us the effects of colonialisation, how often the real beauty of a people is overlooked in favour of one's own blind intentions and desires. And it has happened all throughout history all over the world.

What I am trying to say is sorry if we offended in any way and that truly, truly, we are so grateful that you shared your folk music with us and we now carry it in our hearts for ever.

Thank you.

Looking forward to seeing all three plays together on DVD now and sending big love v ibes to you all.

Peace n love all ,

Lizzie x

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