Saturday, 23 February 2008


Hey everyone!

Just thought I'd stop in and say HI as I havent been on in a while...
Just trying to get myself together and become a regular teen again!
Woohoo... but being normal kinda sucks... atleast I think it does!
Heck! Everyone involved in Drama has to have a wierd side :D
(Especially Peri and Lizzy!) only joking :D

Anyway, It looks like two of the productions went REALLY well! I cant believe
that its already performance time.. it seems like only yesterday that
we were told about the project and we weren't really sure how well
it was going to go.. or if there would even be a final production!

Anyway, enough of memory lane! ... I just wanted to say CONGRATS to everyone involved in the
project and good luck to the Slough team who should be performing
soon! Its going to be great... I wish I could be there in person to see it
but unfortunately I'm 11 hours away :( But I suppose everything happens
for a reason and HOPEFULLY there will be more performances?!

Luv ya all and wish everyone the best!

PS. My school dropped drama and music from our school curriculum so I'm
not the happiest person at the moment... :( I even started learning to play
piano and my guitar skills are WAY better now.. I even performed on stage
doing singing and guitar playing with a friend... and now its all over :( it sucks!

Friday, 22 February 2008

ur pictures!

hello fellow chums :)

hope u r all well :) i am thankooo!

jus had to say, this may sound wellll sad, but i have everyone's pictures stuck to my corkboard in my room!

but i'm not so sad as to like say hello to them every morning nd gud nite every nite haha wel.. maybe the morning but that's all i swear!

anywayyy, haha..

i'm very bored and very very sad that the production's over, but hey it's not entirely over!

check out my profile or whatever it is u call it on this thing..

keep in touchie!

love, tessss xxxxxxx<3

deslie message

hi wales new zealand i play mum and gwen ive had so much fun with both charaters we just done the mountin in a very spiritual way and me and talent who plays julie hav done peeping tom.were having so much fun and i hope we still stay in contact.

Thursday, 21 February 2008

hey guys :)

hey guys!
wow i cant believe we've actually done the perfoormances, it was so quick!
i've got to say, this has been the best thing i've ever done.
i've met so many great people, and all with the same hobby as me, being a drama queen!
*cough* peter *cough* ;)
well done to everyone, and thank you.
you're the best!
x x x x x tess<3>

Wednesday, 20 February 2008


Just wanted to say a MASSIVE congratulations to the Brynaman team. Came to see the show on Saturday night and it was amazing! So much focus and concentration onstage, everyone pulling together and helping each other. I shed a little tear when the two Gwen's climbed the mountain - Peri shed a whole bucketful. The music and lighting and the script made it beautiful, as did the two Gwens, but most of all it was because everyone was working together so brilliantly. I could probably spend the next half hour or so boring the pants off everyone with all of my favourite bits....but I won't. It is enough to say that you were all fantastic...every single one of really pulled together as an ensemble and it absolutely worked. I wanted to give you a standing ovation at the end because I was so impressed.... and I'm not easily impressed! Well done to everyone involved, onstage and off! Eloise :-)

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

My first .... Blog ( is that the write way to put it )

heya everyone!!
i hav found out how to use it!
i suppose now most of our shows hav finished this will be the only way to talk to u guys.
well i got to go
bye bye

Morning Wales and Slough, Good evening Nelson

It is now Tuesday morning here beneath Y Mynydd Du and the sun is just rising. Three days after our performacnces in Wales, the land of song, and I am still excited by the buzz in the air around our achievements. Today I head west to the sea in Pembroke, where my actual roots really really are and take part in a Global Youth Networking Event where I have been specially invited to do a presentation on our project - Strangers across the Globe.

How cool are we?!? Very.

Tonight, however I shall return and meet with Criw Cymru for an evaluative debriefing session at the Pensioners Hall and I'm really excited about that too!

What have we really learnt from this project? We know how much fun it has been over the last 6 months but what will we actually take away with us? One thing I've learnt, asna I'm sure many others, is to simply write on a blog for the fist time in my life! I remember asking the Wales group in September whether anyone had ever used a webcam for a conversation with someone elsewhere and noboday in the room ever had. Now that seems strange as its so normal to us to get up at 8 in the morning and roll out of bed for tea and toast with Strangers Nelson!

I have also learnt that in Brynaman people really are "kind" like Stranger tells Gwen on the Mountain. So many volunteers pulled together on Friday and Saturday night - not to mention all the staff who had no choice!!! People were packing folders full with info on the project and selling programmes and collecting feedback forms and stopping some audience members from leaving at the interval when they thought it was the end! Jess from Siop Laria (the shop used in the Miming film!) was there and loved the line about the tic tac! Staff from the centre loved the show and all the local references, epecially "This is Brynaman Public Hall" - thank you Brian for allowing us to use the cinema for the film and supporting our ideas.

The whole of our play was founded on the cinema in Brynaman still being used today as in 1926 and I think that we should arrange an group outing to celebrate it soon! Even though some people have already started this trend with Elmo in Grouchland! ;)

Anyway, I think I should probably be getting ready to drive now and preparing my thoughts for the presentation but I really just wanted to say - Thank you to everyone and I'm really looking forward to seeing Criw Cymru tonight and Slough Massive on Thursday. Nelson, perhaps we can catch up on the webcam when Sarah's back in Wales - I'm sure we'll all be missing each other by then, won't we?!

Wish me presentation luck! xxx
Hey guys!

Just wanted to say that I had a real awesome time with everyone. I had so much fun, even though it was hard work somtimes and I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. I think we all did a good job. I'm actually missing you already...

Congratulations to Wales, sounds like you had great performances!
Good luck, and enjoy the rest of your time to Slough!

Thanks to everyone,

Monday, 18 February 2008

Strangers Review

Six months work is a long time for what is essentially a small youth project, most average scale tours would take less time. But then this hasn’t been your usual ‘small’ project. A piece of theatre, devised by 3 separate youth groups, directed by 3 directors, designed by 3 designers, all merged to make one play performed by the different parties in, Brynamman, Wales, Slough, England and Nelson, New Zealand. No, certainly not the usual thing you see in theatres, anywhere!

I’d first like to say a massive well done and thanks to everyone involved, it really has been a collaborative effort, and there in lies the ‘something’ that has made this project very different indeed. Collaboration’s.

Theatre is by its nature a collective and a highly collaborative experience, where different people with different ideas come together to produce a play/performance/piece of art, for an audience in a live situation. But with Strangers, how the play was made, the very sharing of ideas and melding of cultures, personalities, and the journeys taken, were the celebrated basis for the performance, rather than a component hidden form the audiences attention.

This is all unique to Strangers, and because it is unique, it has to be seen as a grand experiment. For me it was ultimately rewarding, even if the path was at times unclear. Communication was key in this, as it would be in any theatre show, but because of the nature of the project it was vital, and a lack of it would have been catastrophic. So the Blog is brilliant, an almost uncharted venue with which to show and explore ideas. It really helped when you needed to check you were going in the same direction as everyone else. Also, the 8pm/9am Wales - New Zealand production meetings, yet another unique aspect to this project. If anything, there could have been more sharing, but saying this, when do you stop sharing and start actually doing?

So, going into this not really knowing what to expect, meant it was easier to take it as it comes, trying to ground the design in the ideas of my group, as well as respecting what was happening in the other camps, this was a personal challenge for me, and one that attracted me to the project. I did have reservations however, over what we could achieve; not forgetting that this was an experiment. An experiment with a new youth theatre comprised of young people, most of whom had never devised or acted in theatre before. But I was to learn, the journey and the process was just as important to the projects ethos as the performance itself. Because as said before, the process was celebrated not kept in the theatre wings.

In fact what we created was of excellent quality. I love working with young people, you often find that they uncomplicated things and come up with amazingly clear ideas. Multiple that by three youth companies and something special happens. In particular the scene with Lt. Charles on a bench, (on the projection screen, in New Zealand) talking to Julie sat on a bench on stage (in Wales), while the ghosts of who they are discussing Waltz around stage. A scene not only symbolic of journeys and strangers, but describing perfectly the power in the collaboration. If you were to witness this done by a National Theatre, it would be celebrated and talked about for years. This just one moment of many; not forgetting ghosts coming through the cinema screen and the physical theatre creation of the black mountain, moments all worthy of a larger stage.

I learnt a lot on Strangers as I hope did all involved. With the Slough end of the project still to go, it will interesting to see in months to come how this project is viewed. But one thing is clear, ‘the experiment‘, whether successful or not, this time or next. It’s very process and collaboration has given young people an insight into different worlds and opened up the arts in a very unpretentious and non-school-type way. Long may learning like this continue.

Alex Robertson

Well Done Wales!

Hi all,

I just want to say a huge well done to Wales! It was a fantastic performance and you all did a great job! It left wanting to see more :) I also want to say a big well done to Peri and all the others who have been running around behind the scenes for months, you've done an excellent job with Strangers! I know you won't rest much Per, especially with St. Fagans coming up but just wanted to say great job!


Sunday, 17 February 2008


Hey Guys

The title kind of says it all for me, wow. I can't think of another way to describe it, looking back at all of the work that has gone into this performance and all of the weird and wonderful ideas that made the performances so great! I would like to say a MASSIVE thanks to everyone who helped with this project, the writers, the actors, the crew, the volunteers and the randomers who got roped in, without each and every one of you this project wouldn't have been so great! so thank you! and of course without Peri, Lizzie and Sarah this wouldn't have even happened, so absolutely massive thanks to you!
*New Zealand, well done! your photos look great and i can't wait to see how you adapted it all together!
*Wales, you're all fab! well done! love u loads!
*Slough, i cannot wait to see how your play goes! the best of luck! you'll all be GREAT!

Anyway before i burst into floods of emotional tears i had better shut up! Speak to you all soon! and enjoy the buzz!

Pete xxx

Last Night

Hey everyone!
Thought I'd blog here for the first time and tell everyone how last night went as the last show in Wales.
It was so much fun =] although Alex R needs to stop waving his stick around and stop calling me plain odd. LOL. Everything went smoothly and the audience loved the play (Y)
Here's hoping everything goes well in Slough!!

Lots of Luck and Love <33
Lubbi xox


Opening number Strangers
Opening Number Strangers
The boat to NZ
Gwen on the Black Mountain
Mr Sillar song
Julie and Settlers
Mr Sillar travels to Slough

Mr Sillar
Percival runs away

These photos were taken by Anita Peters and Murray Hedwig.