Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Morning Wales and Slough, Good evening Nelson

It is now Tuesday morning here beneath Y Mynydd Du and the sun is just rising. Three days after our performacnces in Wales, the land of song, and I am still excited by the buzz in the air around our achievements. Today I head west to the sea in Pembroke, where my actual roots really really are and take part in a Global Youth Networking Event where I have been specially invited to do a presentation on our project - Strangers across the Globe.

How cool are we?!? Very.

Tonight, however I shall return and meet with Criw Cymru for an evaluative debriefing session at the Pensioners Hall and I'm really excited about that too!

What have we really learnt from this project? We know how much fun it has been over the last 6 months but what will we actually take away with us? One thing I've learnt, asna I'm sure many others, is to simply write on a blog for the fist time in my life! I remember asking the Wales group in September whether anyone had ever used a webcam for a conversation with someone elsewhere and noboday in the room ever had. Now that seems strange as its so normal to us to get up at 8 in the morning and roll out of bed for tea and toast with Strangers Nelson!

I have also learnt that in Brynaman people really are "kind" like Stranger tells Gwen on the Mountain. So many volunteers pulled together on Friday and Saturday night - not to mention all the staff who had no choice!!! People were packing folders full with info on the project and selling programmes and collecting feedback forms and stopping some audience members from leaving at the interval when they thought it was the end! Jess from Siop Laria (the shop used in the Miming film!) was there and loved the line about the tic tac! Staff from the centre loved the show and all the local references, epecially "This is Brynaman Public Hall" - thank you Brian for allowing us to use the cinema for the film and supporting our ideas.

The whole of our play was founded on the cinema in Brynaman still being used today as in 1926 and I think that we should arrange an group outing to celebrate it soon! Even though some people have already started this trend with Elmo in Grouchland! ;)

Anyway, I think I should probably be getting ready to drive now and preparing my thoughts for the presentation but I really just wanted to say - Thank you to everyone and I'm really looking forward to seeing Criw Cymru tonight and Slough Massive on Thursday. Nelson, perhaps we can catch up on the webcam when Sarah's back in Wales - I'm sure we'll all be missing each other by then, won't we?!

Wish me presentation luck! xxx

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