Friday, 23 May 2008


and experience draws to a spectacular, fantazmagorical and even.....sad sitting here in my kitchen, waiting for my food to cook.....reflecting at all the amazing experiences we've had...all the people we've met......and how it all seemed to not last long one week of working with peri, ive learned more skills than i have in one year of drama classes.....i just shows how determined peri is to get young people into theatre.


there is one thing i will never do.........never ever in a million years will i ever do this thing that i am about to tell is so horrifyingly dreadfuly horrific....that i have forgotten what it was.....

the week we had was so was soo random aswell....some of the people we met were realy profetional.....when others were talking about the time they got a kettle to start boiling after the show!!whitch is realy cool, i never thought of doing that.....getting a kettle to boil just before im off stage....i'll have to do that......anyway on to something a little more to the point.......errrm.......

i wish i was back on work experience :'(

i do like spoons

Thursday, 22 May 2008

Yet another WOW

Hey Y'all,

Over halfway thru work experience week at MUTM headquaters and so far so good - I'm having a cool time too!!!

Carmarthenshire Theatres are so cool. Yesterday we got to watch a really good piece of children's theatre by renowned Welsh company Cwmni Theatr Arad Goch form Aberystwyth ALL FOR FREE!!! We even got to interview one of the actors after the show and went right up into the top of the fly tower and Mike the technical guy explained how it all worked.

Unfortunately Tess couldn't make it today but luckily for Lewis that meant there was more room in the car and he could join us in our adventures! And now he's also going to join the team for animation training on Friday so we're adding to the troops each day now...soon to take over the world!!!

Talking of which, had a great Skype with NZ HQ last night and ran through loads of plans and ideas with Mrs Sarah Jones. She has just returned from Australia at the World Conference of Theatre for Children and Young People. I'm sure she'll be on here writing about her experiences soon but just thought I'd give you news hot of the press that global connections with other youth theatres are blossoming and Strangers Two is becoming more than a very eciting idea.....

So, next week is Half term and there's loads going on like dance workshops and trips to TV studios and make up workshops NOT TO MENTION DRAMA ON TUESDAY NIGHT!!! So get in toucgh if you want to get involved...

See Y'all.


Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Work experience ( this tk me 3 times 2 write)

Heyy its Tash frm WALES again........ Just 2 say me, jake nd tess r all doing work experience with Peri ....... and it is awesum!!! We do all different kinds of stuff evryday we've already learned how to do basic lighting skills and to do animation. Yesterday we all played around with moving stick men, it sounds boring but it was really cwl and my cousin taught us aswell which made it even better!!!!

2day wer all going to Carmarthen theatre to watch a performance ... wer all waiting for Jake to arrive he's 50 mins late!!!!!!! :O...

So 2day is goin 2 b awesum!!


nd Peri isn't even shouting at him but sayin sugar will help u nd complimenting him on his theatrical performance

byeeeee Tash


Tuesday, 20 May 2008

apologies for my rudness

well.....i feel like a noob......ive been part of this shindig for the better part of 5 or 6 months.....and i have yet to post a propper (....errr.......what do you call these things??).....see.....thats how much of a noob i am....i dont kno what these are called!

anyway, my full name is Jacob Gregory Thomas.....i live in a place called Ammanford....and im moving out of it as soon as the opertunity comes around.....not because of the people living there...or theres nothing to do....its just.......i n to going to get anywhere living in know?? like im not going to reach the places i want to reach.......if any of that makes sence to youm, please comment me to say so......because you can;)

i was born in swansea city....not sure what sure it wasnt expencive tho........swansea is a good place to go meet my peeps from the town that is swansea is always a good way to spend a saterday.......go into the town and spend unnessisary amounts of mony on things you don't really need.....always fun..........yeah.......but then you realise that you just spent the money you need to use to get on the bus.....then you panic......but then one of your amazing friends that you have gives you a all in all you've gaind XD

the most important thing to me...........i hard question that.......a question that few people can answer.....but a question that all can ask.....if i was to say the most important thing to me was my life.....i would be lying to is important to me.....but not the most important.......i would as in romantic love......we can live without that........but its the friendhip love that keeps this world from falling in on itself......and i think that can be everyones answer to the question: "what is the most important thing to you?"

my life.........i live my life following simple rules that you too can follow:

1)no matter what happens, get out of it with a smile, and you'r head held high.

2) the only people who's opinions should change you, are the people you love, and the people who love you back.

3)not everything in life is there to be taken seriousely, lighten up.

4)if you don't want to hear something, don't listen. a simple solution to an anoying problem.

5)if it ist you'r problem, don't make it you'r problem.

6)who care's? sing it loud, sing it proud!

and thats me......not much to me........but i've lived with it so far.....might aswell carry on......

wanna talk??MSN addy!!

we love you all


Hello in the land of wales:)

my name is this 15......and i dont realy know why im telling you this.........yeah........ive been with the strangers progect since september, 2007.......and im now currently doing work experience with mess up the really what im doing is filming random stuff, and going to theatres for free:) while everyone else is making tea for some monkey in a here with my friends having a great laugh! and to top it off.....some monkey is making me tea!!........irony or what?

In work experience, its not all fun and games.....peri made sure:( we are traveling the country, searching for the perfect spoon......i like spoons.......but more to the point, we are making animations, music traks and editing films profetionaly.....we are also intervewing profetionals in thier fild of work, in the theatre.......tis good fun:)