Wednesday, 27 February 2008

A "Jesy" View on the Strangers experience

Tena Koutou Katoa (a modern protical from me 2 u bloggers right?)
good to c this thing still going strong and buzi fof the past month. (my absence).

now, the "view", haha
The perfomances got a good feedbacks from the audiances, which is what i rated the over allshows on, oh, and how our actor/ess performed.. I, personaly, not to bragg or anything got lots of unexpected positive feedback from teachers and other persons on the nelson streets that i strugled to remeber their names....whoopz,

before shows the others would get real nervous, but I felt kynda out of the group cause I was fine. almost not into it. how RUDE!!!

oh well,
PIZZA is here now

Ka kite ano koutou!!!


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