Tuesday, 25 December 2007
Liverpool Nativity
Firstly Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you all! I hope you all had a great day and Santa was kind!
Anyway! I was surfing through the channels last night and saw the Liverpool Nativity on BBC 3, i watched it and really enjoyed it! I thought it really showed how we could use technology in our shows, if you didn't see it, then they basically re-enacted the nativity story all over Liverpool and used internet linked camera's to beam the different scenes to one main stage, where the bulk of the audience were situated and the show was led by Gabriel who kept the audience clued up about where the scene was to avoid anyone getting confused. They used a modern version of the nativity where Joseph was a migrant and Marry was just a normal girl from Liverpool, it looked really good and seemed to echo the kind of concept that us in Wales (I'm not sure about New Zealand and Slough) were thinking of using. If you can i would search for it on Youtube and see what you think, although i don't think the whole thing is on there. If you have any ideas or comments on it please let me know! I would love to hear what you think about it! It certainly showed me how multimedia projects can work really well and look great!
Speak soon and much luvness!
Pete xxx
Friday, 21 December 2007
Hey Strangers!!
Hey all you strangers out there... Damn, I feel like a stranger from this site! I haven't been on in a while...
I just wanted to say that I am so shocked and happy about the progress that has happened SO quickly with this project! Keep up the good work!
On another note - I'm going away for a while on a drugs and alcohol rehabilitation course... which I am not looking forward to AT ALL! ... So I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Xmas and I hope that everyone gets a great start to the New Year! When are the performances starting?
Have a good Xmas and I cant wait to hear how the performances went and hopefully see a video on the blog...
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Newest strangers
hiya peeps!!!
I'm not a new Stranger but I am new to the blog!!! ^_^
how are y'all !!!!
woooo im really happy coz im playin Eva yayay its sooo cool because ma grandma is polish! its like fate brought us together lol teehee! I can't wait to talk to other Eva! I'm looking into finding a polish folk song thing for Jacob (piotr) to play. its gonna be sooo koolio!!!!
lots of lurvvvvnesss
Haddy bbz
Monday, 17 December 2007
My name is Charlotte and I'm in the Nelson group of Strangers. I'm really excited and looking foreward to the performance...I so love all of the plays, where did you all get these ideas from?
Have a nice Xmas,
Sunday, 16 December 2007
Peri and Juliana in jail!
No only joking, this was taken while BASE and MUTM were filming the 'Choices' alcohol dvd! They do actually look quite scared! I wonder why???........
Speak soon!
Pete xx
Friday, 14 December 2007
I can't stop smiling when I think back to my visit to Wales last weekend to work on the Play in a Day. It was so fab to be in the same physical space. I know we can't have that yet with the NZ lot and have to continue loving you all from afar.
So, lots to respond to here and I'm not sure I'll have the time to address all things right now but will do some more in the morning. Actually, I think I'm mainly saying 'hi' to The Strangers Massive!!
Design, yes, we've had lots of thoughts and when poor lovely Adrian gets out of his sick bed I'll ask him to share his fab thoughts with you all (Alex). We are hoping to go along the lines of generic costumes in neutral colours or rather base colours of black and white with accent colours, in basic style but with added detail pertaining to characters specifically. E.g. t shirts with a palu (the scarf worn with a salwar kameez in Indian dress) or a simple dress with a 19th century style bustle at the back. Kind of a fusion of the contemporary with the traditonal, the timeless and placeless with culturally specific signifiers. The hope is to keep budgets low but to add some interest through these added details. Does that make any sense? Also hoping to get some talented local person to create a graffiti style design that when transferred to lots of tshirts lying next to each other will be reformed when people wearing the tshirts stand in the correct order.
I'm not at the 'we've cast' stage yet. We actually are now looking for more performers because quite a few of our group have fallen by the wayside due to exam commitments here. I know you know that one, Nelson folk. Very excited that you have cast though and that is inspiring me in my choices here in Slough. It will be great to see you connecting with your overseas/overborder counterparts wouldn't it?! I have some ideas as to who will connect well with whom but until my decision is final you're all still in the dark. Sorry, I'll get a wriggle on. I can see you as Mr Silla Alex! (Our mr Silla is going to be played through shadow puppetry, (we think) and through voice over by our sound guy from the tech booth. We wanted to have him as ethereal a character as possible because of the unliklihood of a man living to 347 not washing with our audience. It also leaves lots of room for our disabled members to move and dance in their way without the pressure of learning and delivering dialogue which can be daunting.
Next Thursday we are taking part in Slough Young People's Centre's traditional Christmas cabaret. Remember Jermaine who left a lovely message some weeks ago, and of course, Sarah's old haunt? Well, it's a gorgeous, fluffy, creative, foody event and we'll be doing a rehearsed reading of some of the scenes to share with the rest of the young people and their families. That'll be fun.
We are also working for four afternoons over Christmas hols, which will hopefully allow us to catch up with you guys in Wales and Nelson, as we are a bit behind I think.
Funny, it's been like that from start hasn't it? One group leading the way for a bit then the other taking lead and another waiting in the wings 'til they see what the others are up to. It's very cool.
Ok, so i've rambled in Lizzie style. Soz Moz
Will address the merging issues in the morning, but really loving the Mr Silla is Charles idea. When he was created by one of our crew back in May, he was hotseated and he told us he was from New Zealand. So, why not have another incarnation of Charles in the form of the 347 yr olds Scrapyard guardian?
Not sure how you might use talk stick. Any further ideas on this would be cool.???
Love to all,
Lizzie xxx
Thursday, 13 December 2007
Nadolig Llawen
So yeah tuesday was really cool Gemma was really nice and just joined in she felt like a stranger (how weird does that sound)
And we have all been cast i think all the cast would agree that peri has done a fandabbydosey job of deciding (hint hint i got Mr silla and Charles)
Well i guess this is last thing ill say till christmas
Happy Summery Christmas to New Zealand (think of us with our cold cold cold wind)
Happy Wintery Christmas to Slough
Nadolig Llawen Cymraeg criw?
Merry Christmas
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Wales CAST the net
Just wanted to announce that Criw Cymru (the Wales Crew) has now been cast into our wonderful bank of international Strangers characters.
Last night in our regular rehearsal space at the pensioners' hall, we read through the scripts, discussed ideas for linking common themes and characters and by the end of the evening all performers were cast into their roles for the performance.
WOW! Things are moving sooo quickly now. Next week we shall start work on some ensemble and a handful of key scenes, amalgamation ideas and planning before breaking up (no tears now!) for a two week Christmas Hol.
When we return we shall be meeting so often that no one will ever tear us apart again!
Anyway, last night was also very exciting because we were "observed" by Gemma from Cyfanfyd (whaich means "whole world" in Welsh) It is a Global Youth Work Organisation and Gemma is very interested in using our very own Strangers Project as a Case Study for their handbook...WOOOOAAAAH - how cool are we?!?!?
I received an email from Gemma today telling me how much she enjoyed being part of our rehearsal and to congratulate us on the amazingness of our project across the world...watch this space... ;)
We also have the opportunity to spread the word of Strangers in a community Christmas Experience next week on the 20th in our local rugby club, and Peter has already started work on a powerful and poigniant power point presentation. Well done Pete!
Right, just looked back at this very long post and hope you're as excited as I am when you read about all the amazing things that are happening because of all you amazing young people around the world.
If anyone in Slough or NZ is able to post up a few photos of your work on the blog or email them to me at messupthemess@hotmail.co.uk before Tuesday we can fit them into the presentation... and that would be SOOO cool....
Get in touch if you need help with that...
Merry, Merry Christmas and holidays to you all!!! (and that's surely not the last time you'll hear those words on this blog!)
Peri ;)
Christmas Hello!
I hope you're all ready for Christmas and looking forward to a well deserved break from work! (I know i am!) I can't wait for next year! it won't be long until we're on stage!
Just to let you all know the Wales script is now finished! and ready to go! i hope you enjoy performing it as much as we all enjoyed writing it!
Have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Pete xx
Monday, 10 December 2007
Set Design
Do you see what i see was really good btw !!!!!! i would write a review like i have done before but i wouldnt be there for long as it was soo good!!!
Play in a day
This is the link to the Carmarthenshire County Council Press release on the play in a day!
Friday, 7 December 2007
To use the talking sticks to switch between stories
For Julie and Percival to meet characters from other plays as they run away
For Gwen to interrupt the start of the NZ play looking for her flip flop
To explore and exploit parallels between Anahera and Charles/ Inder and Sukhi
Maybe look at Gwen, Hope, Julie parallels
To have characters from all 3 worlds looking for each other in the scrap yard
Is Charles Mr Silla?
Put your ideas up here and thoughts on how they could work!
Monday, 3 December 2007
So i was thinking....
so i decided on
1. Mobile
2. Money/ wallet
3. Pictures
4. Clothes
5. Soap!?
And i decided i was running away to somewhere peaceful?
THEN i was thinking what characteristics would i take with me on an Emotional journey??
Anyone else fancy debatins or talking about this?
Saturday, 1 December 2007
The Nelson script is finished. I'd like to say a big thanks to Jamie for sticking with us through the difficult NZ exam period (exams unfortunately are more important than scripts!) and for coming out the other end with a complete script from what began as a patchwork of ideas back in July.
If you've had a chance to read our script you may have noticed that it is a touch long. Somehow it has become epic in scale but we are proud of our words and the world of the play we've developed is a wordy one. However you are more than welcome to cut what doesn't work for you and replace scenes with the action contained within the dialogue.
If you get a chance have a watch of Jamie's interview where he describes the process that has led to our story. It has been a fascinating and experimental one. A huge amount of learning has occurred for us during it from young people learning about developing narrative to me learning about letting go!
I'm not sure how we came to tell a story about an orphan, a new girl, European settlers, suitcases, time travel, Maori heritage and the impact defining moments can have on our future but this is where the theme 'Strangers' has taken us.
I've enjoyed reading your scripts and am brimming with ideas for pulling them together from sending the characters from our play into the scrapyard looking for each other to Gwen stomping into the middle of our opening waiata(song) looking for her flip flop!
It would be great to hear your ideas so start posting them up here and get commenting on others!
We are reading and casting all the scripts next week so watch this space to find out who is playing who!
I'd like to finish by congratulating the Nelson group for all your enthusiasm, creativity and for being so open to new ideas and so unprecious with your own. Its been difficult to stay as focused as I'd know you'd all have liked during exams but hopefully now that's over you can give this your all and let the script amalgamation ideas pour forth!
Bye for now,
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
It's Me! Jermaine from sypc!
my name is jermaine and i work at slough young people's centre, i'm the drop-in worker here and i am proud to say that my organisation has a big involvement in itself with the project, as some of the drama sessions will be held here at sypc!
the project is amazing and on such a big scale, everyone involved will learn a hell of a lot, most probably go through the stresses and strains of doing a theate piece, but will agree with me that it will be worth it.
my intrests pan from music to games and sports to drama so i'm keen to watch this project grow and cannot wait for the end product when it arrives.
keep up the hard work guys, you're an inspiration!
love JermZ x
Lizzie here. Well this is exciting isn't it? The scripts have started to wend their way around the world for all to enjoy. Now we can start this business of making theatre.
We in Slough are going to have our first read through tonight of the Welsh and Slough scripts and start playing around with how we can weave them together. Have had a few ideas but nothing set in stone yet. thought we'd do a bit of spontaneous patchwork, responding sensitively at first to the scripts to see what instinctively goes with what.
It's a bit like standing on the edge of a cliff and nervous to take that leap lest you've forgotten your glider. I know that we will all support and reaspond to each other as we make that leap into devising and rehearsals. That's vital at this stage int he game.
Come on Slough Massive!! Peri's sent you an invite...no excuses now. We need to get talking and have as clear a voice as Brynamman and Nelson.
One of our group, Kailey, had this idea some time back about breaking the fourth wall and inviting the audience into proceedings but perhaps running some kind of ..."guess who, or whodunnit " type of thing. They could be left with a question about the play at the interval and a poll taken or summat? Just one idea of getting them discussin the play, the characters, the themes rather than just having a beer at the break.
Adrian has a fab notion that we in Slough have leapt at, that Strangers Performance will be a theatre experience from the monent the audience arrive to the moment they leave. We'll achieve this by having grid lines along the floor and up walls that people can follow and at the end they will be, for example, a poem written by one of the group (from any Zone). That way, as much of the work created can be presented to the audience without the play being super long. I was thinking also that there may be couple of vignettes, a short scenario involving two minor characters from earlier development work that could be played in invisible style theatre (is it theatre or are they just stranger people having a public conversation?) in the foyer or outside or in the bar at interval. What do you think?
Love to all, you're amazing.
Monday, 26 November 2007
New Poll Ideas
how about asking the guys about whether they want to interact with the audience or keep it a totally straight play with no actor / audience interaction?
Up to you?
Speak soon!
Sunday, 25 November 2007
We are just editing our practise films. We have also just read through the blogg and seen everybodies excellent scripts. We've started talking about staging the Welsh play and whether or not we will need to get good at Welsh accents! Sarah read some of your scripts out loud with a shocking Welsh accent. Have a look at the footage!
Saturday, 24 November 2007
Wales script is go!
We went about the script this way: a lot of initial improvisation and discussion of ideas led to me suggesting a basic outline. During our intensive week we began collectively writing, mainly through small groups tackling individual scenes then performing their scripts. As part of this process we looked at parts of Under Milk Wood, newspaper articles from 1926, the BBC docusoap Coalface, and other research material. Some scenes were also improvised, the results recorded, and transcripts made.
For most scenes we now had at least two scripts, and I meshed together the best parts of these. I then looked at the play as a whole and identified which parts still needed work - it's not so hard to write an individual scene, much more difficult to keep in mind the needs of the play as a whole. Cadi and Peter then wrote in the missing parts, I edited these bits, and we arrived at a script which has basically been entirely written by the Wales team, with my editorial help.
I'm now really looking forward to seeing the other scripts.
Thursday, 22 November 2007
Like a virgin !?
Well i have noticed that people have been putting pictures of themselves up so will i !!!! lol Well now its a long wait till next tuesday to see The Producers in Cardiff!
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Jeff is a 43 year old man, he wears boring, dull business suites and carries a black briefcase. He looks old and tired, he dislikes most things and often has a distracted look on his face as he dreams of the other places he would rather be in.
"I am Jeff - a manager through and through. Coal sits on my mind like it sits underground, waiting to be discovered. I sit in my office filling and calculating, keeping the silent cogs of the coal mine running. I know more about coal than you would ever know, and more than I ever wished to know! Mining lives in my heart and the deepest pits of my soul. The coal of the mines seeps into my mind like the water into the dark, dank passageways. I live, think and cough coal. My workers hate me yet my peers look up to me. The mines are the dirties places on earth, yet I see not a speck of dust from my office to my home. The coal runs every aspect of my life and so many others, yet at the end of the day I close the gates and leave that life locked in my office.
Yet no-one sees the utter contempt that I treat every money grabbing gram and truck load that passes through those gates and pays my fortune. I never wanted this. I never asked for this life of hell. But everyday I live with it, pasting on a smile and signing every order form dumped in front of me. This is the life I lead”
p.s i would LOVE to hear of any other characters you guys have thought of!
Lets do that thing we discussed about having a slang off!!! Wales Criw, Slough Posse and NZers - use the comments box to express your favourite slang (not swear!) words and if we don't know what they mean we have to ask or guess in the comments box!!!
Lets do it!
Click on the comments box where I'll start the ball rolling...
1 of the Welsh Crew...*Owain*
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Hey - just dropping in and thought I would leave a post...
Well - quite alot has happened recently...
Firstly its the boring stuff like school and work (yup - Im working now! haha) and of course! my new drama class! Its going quite well at the moment... we're doing a big performance piece in two weeks with some other drama classes across Moreno Valley and Riverside - I'll try and get a video to put up...
ALSO! Im going backpacking across California with a few friends for a couple of months! Its going to be so cool - we're starting off in Moreno Valley and working our way through Corona and just going wherever we want to go - NO RULES! we're leaving on Saturday so Im trying to get as much money as I can so we wont be without... and I am hoping to save up enough money when we come back to go back packing across Europe! We are already planning on where we want to go and we are going to start off in good old Slough - and go around england - and we totally have to go to Amsterdam! Thats where everything happens! But it should be good! AND im going to be a stranger AGAIN! lol. I absolutely hate being a stranger at the moment but Im beginning to adapt more and at least I wont have to stay here for much longer! woohoo.
Anyway - thats pretty much all the happenings so far, apart from a few personal things which dont need to be mentioned... dont worry! nothing too serious! haha
Hope everyones OK and I cant wait to see everyone again!
Sunday, 18 November 2007
Friday, 16 November 2007
Just thought I'd write a quick post about our filming weekend which starts...TOMORROW!
The film will be about a minute and a half in length and will be about the history of the local area. During the historical facts, you will see mime artists portraying what goes on in the community as someone has misinterpreted "mining" for "miming". Very surreal we know but when we practised our basic mime techniques in a workshop led by Alex - who used to be in a mime troop in England - everyone looked fab and with the practise makeup session, I just know that the results tomorrow will be awesome.
So, if any of the Welsh criw are reading this before Saturday then remember we've got heaps to get through and the film criw aren't familiar with the area so we're all going to need A LOT OF PATIENCE as film shoots always take a long time. Make sure you've got food and money with you and a warm coat for when you're hanging around waiting. I'll txt all this anyway.
Right, miming in Brynaman...can't wait! ;P
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Missing Script..
First Neighbour
Did you hear about Gwen?
Second Neighbour
Everybody’s heard about Gwen!
Third Neighbour
What’s she done now?
First Neighbour
Odd Job John
Second Neighbour
Not on his own
Third Neighbour
Curtains drawn at noon OH poor boy!
First Neighbour
Likes a bit of danger
Second Neighbour
What a rebel
Third Neighbour
Low cut
First Neighbour
Short skirt
Second Neighbour
Well that’s just a skirt!
Third Neighbour
Pressuring my grand daughter
First Neighbour
Bullying my niece
Second Neighbour
What a madam!
Third Neighbour
Parading those flip-flops
First Neighbour
Birken something’s!?! Of course
Second Neighbour
Third Neighbour
Slapping on that make-up with a trowel
First Neighbour
She looks like a clown!
Second Neighbour
Thinks she creative
Third Neighbour
Her tri-coloured spray can
First Neighbour
Gwen 4 john
Second Neighbour
Oh poor odd job john!
Strangers Slough Lizzie Checking in!
Lizzie here! The Slough Sarah and Peri.
With tears in me oyes and a song in me harrt (cheesy) as I scroll through the amazing images, words and sentiments shared by you all on the project.
It's wonderful to hear so many stories from everyone that are not just the creative ideas but about how Strangers is making friends of us all. I have met some great people doing this and can't wait to SKYPE again. Sorry it's taken so long to get on here. (Head hanging in shame but its a long and complicated story that will be boring on here).
I'm totally inspired by what you have achieved creatively in Wales and NZ and am so full of admiration for the Slough Strangers group too, of course. We'll be blogging much more from now on. Won't we guys?!
Your songs, rehearsed improvs, your stories and monologues are all ticking away in our heads and hearts and helping to shape what we're creating in Slough.
We have a suitcase! An obsessive donut eater; a 347 yr old scrapyard guardian who talks in riddles; love, loss, betrayal and hope. And a couple of cantankerous old people you don't know whether to love or loathe. Our story is simple. Set in a scrapyard (Slough, part finished, part not, a real mixed bag of cultures, languages, crazy architecture, a bit ugly in places with a reputation for being depressing but with a villagey community feel mixed with London suburb shabbiness thrown in for good measure.) All who enter trhe Scrapyard must at some point cross paths with Mr Scillar the ancient yardy. He will help or hinder (he reps the Heart of Slough). All characters are running from or looking for something. Our main Character, John, is looking for his lost identity, he will find this through finding his family. We follow him on his twisting and turning journey, meeting lots of colourful characters along the way, some with suitcases and some without, sometimes in the cinema and sometimes on the high street. Essentially telling the story of Slough through these characters.
We've got rehearsal later on today and I'd love to weave in some of the ideas such as the neighbours bickering, the sounds of the langauge through the game:fruit/country, the reggae beats popular in NZ (in Slough the group tends to be a bit RnB and hiphop or Lemon Jelly hippy tunes when under duress from me), the stylised movement sequences that NZ did for the arts festival.
I've included here a short scene by Inderjit that I think is lovely and poignant.
Mr Scillar may be portrayed by a huge shadow puppet with prerecorded big voice and then he'll have a normal size and a miniature representation as well. (perhaps?? was our last thinking wasn't it Adrian, designer?)Some background to Scillar: he cannot leave his job as guardian until someone else volunteers to take over. Rosalina has arrived from Poland but is down on her luck and wishes to find a way home. Through the story she eventually comes to realise that home is where the heart is and that Slough can give her what she needs.
Script Idea by Indy
Rosalina and Mr Silla
(Mr Silla enters stage left, is walking his dog and at the same time Rosalina, enters stage right, is dragging her suitcase along and crying. They crash into each other)
Mr Silla :( Shouting) WATCH OUT!!!
Rosalina: (crying) So sorry!
Mr Silla: Oh dear, I’m sorry! Why were you in such a rush, anyway, it’s not safe at this time of night for a young lady to be running along the streets alone!
Rosalina: I’m fine (Sits down on bench)
Mr Silla :( sits next to her) It’s alright! Has someone hurt you?
(Rosalina sighs, then nods)
Rosalina :( Sings softly in polish)
Mr Silla: Such a pretty voice! (Sighs) Now are you ok?
Rosalina: (looks up and nods)
Mr Silla: Whenever I feel bad I look at my dog! (Points at his dog)
Rosalina: (looks at the dog, she starts to smile)
Mr Silla: As long has he’s smilin, I’m smilin! I‘ve been here so many years! He’s the one thing that’s kept me going, that and knowin that whatever I need is right here! My home.
Rosalina: (stares at him) you no feel like you no at home, sometimes?
Mr Silla: I do sometimes, but dreams take their time as do most good things
(Rosalina considers this and then stands up, Mr Silla gets up with her and they walk off the stage)
More later,
Peace and Love
Monday, 12 November 2007
One of The Welsh Crew!!
All you guys you make Strangers worth going to lk! (and you Peri) lol......Well im going wid Peri to Trinity College tomorrow to do a workshop...so we will have a lot to talk about lk lol.
I have also made a song up for our play..i know I'm not in it but if you lk it we could go and record it and put it as a voice over. Its a bit cheesy...but all of us that go to Strangers are cheesy lol.
Well c u all 2moz!!
Friday, 9 November 2007
New Stranger to the Welsh Crew
Just popping in two monologue here that I made up. One of our ideas is to have various characters from the past and present having mini monologues being spoken. This was inspired after reading some of Dylan Thomas' characterisations in "Under Milk Wood". I have written two - a Travelling Baker Lady and a Librarian and I'll post them here for you to see.
Travelling Baker:
"I am Anwen - a baker born and bred. Flour runs through my veins like blood. I travel to different villages in my van, see their cultures mix and rise. Brown bread, white bread, soft and crispy, cold flan, shortbread, cake and even sweet items which result in a blanket of wasps as my constant companions. Baking is my very core, my very living, breathing life. People buy my goods and I give them an open ear to stories from their woven worlds in return. Gossip, rumours, truth and twisted tales follow my every step. I travel from Ammanford to Brynaman; I see and I hear the young and old, the likes of Mrs James gossiping about the neighbours cat; and I bake my bread in an honest silent routine."
"Books. They smother the world around us, my world. Even my name, Betsy, is found in a book. Every second of every minute of every day of my working life is spent with them. Fiction, biographies, fantasy, non-fiction, history books, books on wars, on animals, on countries, books about books. I see them every day, I touch their battered crumpled spines as if comforting them. People see me and they see a woman working in an environment she loves, whispering words to dog eared old tomes. Yet they are wrong. I, the Librarian, have the darkest secret of all. I hate every sheet of paper that make the books within my Library. I hate the works they whisper, the songs they sing. I loathe and despise how the words imprinted on the fading paper can change a person. I, Betsy, go about my work and treat the books I look after with an air of enjoyment, of serenity and pleasure. Yet it is all a falsity. So, let this be our secret, okay?"
Right, I'm now looking up the screen and seeing a rather large amount of writing ... So I'll stop here with the last few words of sending my thanks to all you guys in the Welsh crew who are officially amazing at making me feel welcome!
- Cadi -
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Refugee song mix!
Saturday, 3 November 2007
More Coalhouses!
It was also great to see everyone getting on so well and enjoying themselves!
It really would help if as many people as possible can get to watch episodes of Coal House - there's actually a lot more of these than we realised. If anyone can record episodes that would be great.
The schedule of Coalhouse programmes is here.
Greetings to all in Slough and New Zealand - I did at last get to speak to Jamie in NZ this week. Looking forward to coordinating our efforts.
Thursday, 1 November 2007
Holla Again
Hope EVERYONE ALL OVER Slough and New Zealand are well
( i would like to point out how many alexs so far we have in our production 3 So it must be a special name)
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Nelson Performance Clips - lots of video!
Nelson video clips
This is a performance of the Refugee Song, a shared composition between Slough and Nelson.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Day 2 in the Pensioners Hall...
Only day 2 of rehearsals and so much to think about! Criw Cymru (Wales Criw) were all ready to Skype NZ before 8 am this morning and the film crew were making a documentary of us at the same time. (FOR DETAILS SEE COMMENT BOX ON LAST POST) We all had tea and toast (some with honey..!) and then made our way down to rehearsal for 10am.
After singing with the NZ team we were all in the mood for more songs during warmup and were very pleased when Alex the designer and Roger and Elin joined in the funky chicken, penguin AND banana songs!!! Then we did a cool memory focus game using place names and Welsh surnames in the circle (Sars- the fruit/country game) We managed to get into a really good two beat rhythmn by the ned and I think its something we can come back to as it really evoked the patterns and sing song nature of the Welsh language and accents.
We then discussed film ideas in the circle and John told the filmmakers about the narration style hitchhiker guide to brynaman. During our creative conversations we've developed some cracking ideas around surrealism, monty python-esque randomness and lots of fun I feel!
Loads of food for thought to mull over till Friday when we develop the ideas futher with Roger.
In the afternoon Alex ran a design workshop and showed us loads of really cool masks and puppets to give us a sense of where we really can take our ideas especially regarding the themes of journeys, masks as strangers and loads of other things! We discussed what NZ had told us about their play in the morning and thought about Slough's ideas too and looked at places we could set our play - how to create "Brynaman" and ensure we tell the audience our really important story and share it. Ideas for the screen varied greatly - which is always best at the start - from laundry on a washing line to a pathway leading upstage and splitting the screen in two. So many variations on this and other ideas that there's just not enough time to share them all...Aaaargh!
So there's a taster for those who weren't there and a reminder for those who were ;)
To complete the session we listened to the intro of Dylan Thomas' "Under Milkwood" and relaxed and lulled with a cup of tea ready for a day of devising, acting and creative writing tomorrow....SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!! I've got to choose a new smiley...
Peri xxx Cool.
Monday, 29 October 2007
Strangers Connecting!
Heres the skype agenda for today:
Sarah to open skype in NZ.
Welsh group hi/NZ group hi.
Each group member introduce themselves.
- What our plays are about
- Nelson to ask Wales about talking stick convention. Plus respond with own ideas
- Wales to ask Nelson about suitcase convenion. Plus respond with ideas
- Share ideas for using masks.
- The friend song- to be taught by Peri with support from Welsh group.
- Discuss refugee song
- Ideas for connecting and disconnecting gestures
- Discuss using the blogg more effectively.
Hope that is ok
Sarah- Director NZ
Peri here :) Just had to blog after our first day of intensive rehearsal week in half term in Wales.
Alex, Jacob, Haddy, Tess, Cadi and Sophie - you did some amazing research today and it will all be so worth it when we come to our creative writing this week.
Think about all the descriptive words we can try out to really evoke the atmosphere of the Amman Valley and be bold! Think of all that anthracite rock/coal (hard to light, then never goes out;)) which is very unique in the world and we are lucky enough to have some!
I learnt loads this morning, especially when you guys were all being fount-of-all-knowledge professors and also by watching Jon's video of the reality tv show "CoalHouse". It really made me think about life in 1920s Wales.
I've just been talking to the writer and director Jamie and Sarah in NZ and they're really interested in all the ideas we've come up with today. Looking forward to the early morning skype with NZ YPs. I'll pack the honey and toast now ;)
See Y'all
Hear me talk! |
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Wales team - don't miss this programme tonight (Sat 27)!
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Ideas for Wales
Really looking forward to the big creative week next week - I've been looking at the work of Wales's most famous writer for some inspiration, which I'll draw on for the workshops. The keen ones among you might like to have a look at an online script of Under Milk Wood, which was written about Laugharne, not so very far away.
And we're off
Sunday, 21 October 2007
hey :)
We all saw a show called vortigens kingdom which was interesting and wer goin 2 cardiff soon 2 see the producers so lkin 4ward 2 tha!!!!! only 2 days till strangers!!!!
Congratulations Nelson!
I just want to say a huge well done to the Nelson group for working so hard over the last few weeks getting ready for the rehearsed reading of our script yesterday. The scripts you've written are really interesting and the story we have developed very exciting. Big thanks for giving up your weekend to finish odds and ends and well done for the performance yesterday. Get blogging to let us all know how you think it went and everybody watch this space for some edited highlights of yesterday.
Slough and Wales groups I promise to get some more info up here about where our script is headed too. Also it would be great to find out more about what your doing and maybe see some of your writing on here soon. During our performance yesterday we shared some of the Slough poetry and your ideas for the refugee song which went down really well. We'll have a clip on here shortly.
Jamie (Nelson writer)-thanks for all the work this work on the script and for running some brilliant workshops across Nelson this week.
Talk more soon,
Sarah (Strangers Nelson)
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Latest Updates :D
Im still working on some ideas, but there not quite done yet so be patient and they'll be up soon :D Nearly done though.
Its all a bit weird over in the US at the moment - as you know I've started Highschool over here now, and Im now taking Health Class.
Well, this weekend I have to look after an electronic infant which acts just like a real baby and its driving me totally crazy! Its fine during the day but then when it gets to night it wont shut up! lol. Its evil!
Its also very weird because as I get to know people from around the area and at school they all realise that I have an accent so they're always asking me to say stuff, but they love the way I talk, and they want to know all about England!
And even though Im getting used to the area, its still really scary having to meet new people because you dont know anyone and Im no longer in my comfort zone - so Im not as confident as I used to be. :(
Oh yeah!!! I've finally signed up for a drama class!!! woohoo!
My first session was on Thursday evening and they all wanted to know about England and so I dropped the Strangers Project into the convo and they all find it really interesting and they are going to have a look at the blog!!! Yay
Anyhoo, thats the latest so far :D
Talk to you lot later :)
RECAP...it gets you in the swing!
I've just spent the last 20 mins going through all the comments boxes and recapping over September posts as well. Its really good to recap as it reminds you how things are developing...and so far so good! The only way is up! And with the Slough half term next week and Wales half term the following week there's gonna be loads more stuff to blog soon!
Keep those comments going as well - its really cool when someone answers your post! lol
Hope everyone's having a funky weekend - Wales criw - get posting!!!! ;D
Friday, 19 October 2007
My name is Comfrey and I'm part of the group working in New Zealand. I live in Nelson but I was born in Wales and it's been great working with new people and being able to talk about my ideas.
The scenes that I have been doing are the first day at school and the Sargent's diary entry(it's the same Sargent that is in Danielle's scene). The first day at school one is about a girl who gets into a fight at school and and gets detention, she has to do detention with the girl who she got into a fight with and they find out their not so different.The Sargent diary is about a Sargent who has a lot of trouble with his men.
By for now,
My scene that im writing is about a boy (Percivall) who has run away from the orphanage. He can't go back and he is desperatly looking for a place to stay. He finds a place to stay for one night. He is inside talking and looking around the husbands and wifes home (the husband is the Sargent from another scene) when he knocks over and breaks something precious of the Sargents. It becomes a bit awkard.
This scene basically shows that Percivall has nowhere to go and needs somewhere to stay since he's run away form the orphanage.
I'm really enjoying being part of Strangers and i can't wait to hear form everyone else and to see your scripts.
bye!!! :)
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Jamie McCaskill
My name is Jamie McCaskill and i am the writer/facilitator of the Nelson branch of the Strangers project. We're going great guns here. I have recieved the first part of the scripts from the group we are working with here in nelson and they're primo. A great place for us to start. I'm in nelson at the moment with Sarah about to go out and do some recruiting and working with our crew as well. Loving the project. Loving Sarah and looking forward to collaborating with everyone where ever you are in the world.
Hei konei ra
Jamie McCaskill
PS picture coming
Monday, 15 October 2007
Greetings from Jon Blake
Hi to everyone - I'm Jon, writer attached to the Brynaman team. I'm mainly known as a writer for teens and children (my website's at www.jonblake.co.uk) - but I also write tv, radio and stage drama for adults, as well as a lot of songs (one of which has already been forced on some of the Brynaman regulars). Most of these are at Soundclick. Really looking forward to soon meeting the Amman valleyites I haven't met yet, as well as making contact with the writers and others in Slough and New Zealand (can't say I've been to NZ, but I have stayed in Slough!)
Sunday, 14 October 2007
So I'm Rosie. I'm quite a shy person, and I've joined the Strangers project in South Wales. It's perfect for me, because it's in Brynaman and just down the road from where I live. I'm quite nervous when I meet new people but it turned out that everyone was really easy to talk to and I made some new friends!! Yay! And I'm really looking forward now to future rehearsals, but I'm still really confused about how all the plays link up between us, New Zealand and Slough!
Anyway, I'll see the South Wales group on Tuesday,
Byeeee!! xx
Saturday, 13 October 2007
NZ media bits
kia ora people!
I'm the person involved in the video and music bits in Nelson - other professionals will be contributing as well over the coming months, and my role initially is to film the documentary. I'm also helping with the development of the Slough song 'Refugees' which was recorded after a skype session. We hope to add our own ideas to the song this month.
The lovely photo was taken at Craters of The Moon near Lake Taupo/Rotorua last year, when it was cold and rainy!
I've been in Nelson for a year and lived in Reading for 12 years before that where, amongst other things, I worked with Real Time who are coordinating the video elements of the project. I work at The New Hub, a youth recreation centre and venue, where we hope the Nelson performance will take place in February.
In the next few days I hope to edit a sample of stuff I filmed at the last workshop and stick it up on the blog.
Looking forward to seeing how this all unfolds.
Sitting in the balacony
Friday night the seats are busy
Or its Orange Wednesdays
81 years of films and people
Young and old, boys and girls
Courting, romance, weddings, families
Miners saving all their pennies
We remember days gone by
And thank them for the memories
Interviewing the ladies of Brynaman about the cinema in days gone by
Thursday, 11 October 2007
5 people standing in a line across the front of the stage, facing upstage.
One girl sitting alone on the ground behind them facing the direction of the audience but looking down, humming a sad and lonely tune, and playing with her fingers on the ground drawing lines etc. She is seen by the audience through the other people’s legs as if they were jail bars or something similar.
The people in the line have their heads hanging down to begin with, but raise them up to be facing the back wall whenever they speak (so the audience knows who is speaking).
Person 1 I just don’t know what to do with myself since he left me for that other woman …
Person 2 I miss my mum … life just isn’t the same without her …
Person 3 Off to school again … there’s still no one I know there though …
Person 4 I don’t fit in here, I don’t know why I’m here … I’ll just keep laughing along with the rest of them anyway …
Person 5 I would like to have someone to love, but I just don’t have time … its just too much effort …
Person 1 Was I too boring? Too annoying? What did I do wrong that she did so right? I’ll always compare myself to her now …
Person 2 It’s just the little things that remind me of her, and every time I see that photo it makes me cry …
Person 3 No one will talk to me at lunch because of how I look … I’m just the same as them but they can’t see that …
Person 4 There’s no reason why I should feel like this – I should be having fun but it’s just all a bit superficial …
Person 5 Running a business like this gives me no time for any of the things I’d really like to be doing … I should be happy with all this money but I’m not …
For the next section now, each of the five people standing turns around as they speak to face straight out to the audience, addressing them. They start in a cannon in number order, each saying their bit about 3 – 4 times before stopping suddenly all at once as if they’ve just heard something.
Person 1 I know they won’t last long, I can see what she wants … he’ll regret it … he’ll come back … I wish he would come back … I miss him … what went wrong?
Person 2 The way she always told me to wear a hat in the sun … the cup of tea at 6.30 in the morning and stomping down the hall yelling ‘wake up’ … her enthusiasm about vegetables and healthy food … always helping with school stuff … the funeral …
Person 3 I wear the same clothes … I live on the same street … but I come from Zambia and they don’t know how to talk to me … I sit by myself … I eat by myself … I work by myself …
Person 5 I don’t know where to start … I’m distracted on the outside by everything I have to do … maybe I’m just too old for this … I’m out of practice, it’s been a while … where do I start?
Everyone is silent with their heads tilted slightly as if they’re listening to something. The only noise is the girl still sitting and humming behind them. She looks up suddenly at the audience and says
Girl I thought I was the only one.
Most of you won't know me, but i work for Communities First in the Upper Amman Valley and was in on the workshop this week with the Wales group. I just want to say that it was fab and i loved your ideas, especially about using a love spoon to symbolise our 'wakapapa' (hope i spelt that correct)! Great! Looking forward to Friday and interviewing Merched y Wawr :) Hope you lot in Slough and New Zealand are having a great time too, can't wait to see what else you come up with and see the performance!
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Friday, 5 October 2007
Seasons greetings (not really)
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
Hey from the USA
Hey guys its Melissa.
Im originally from Slough and thats where I started with the Strangers project - and where I met Peri :D She rocks! But she had to go back to Wales no matter how much of our persuasion techniques we used to try and get her to stay. lol
Anyway, I moved to California just over a week ago and its all a bit weird at the moment - I've started school and Ive been making friends and going to wrestling matches, but Im still missing my friends back home and I cant wait to see them again.
ALSO - this is the big one! They dont do drama on our school curriculum!! How weird and unusually cruel is that?! A school isnt a school without a drama class! If it wasnt for the strangers project I would have gone totally crazy!!!! lol
Anyhoo, people to see, places to go :D
Missing everyone from the Ghetto Slough!
Missing Piece of the Pie theatre group and SYPC :D
Keep it real
Hey Hey Hey!!!
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Well hello!
I'm Peter by the way! 14 years old, moved to wales from England in 2004! I live in Gwaun Cae Gurwen aka GCG.
I hope you're all well! Hows Newzeland or Slough? Wales is good! the weather isn't too bad! There's actually NO RAIN yet.
School was pretty boring! No drama! ahhh i felt so empty :(
Thank goodness for Strangers! without this project i would not have gotten my drama hit!
And thanks to Peri we're off to the theatre in Pontadawe
Have a good night
Pete x
my name is charlotte but i like to be called charlie im 15 and live in glanaman in wales..i stareted the strangers project at the start of september...i realy like the project beacause you get to meet new people and i love drama. i also love dancing and gymnastics and i think it would be awsome that we could do a dance in the play. i was realy inspired that thelma in slaw read to us a poem when we skyped them...(well done)...and all the people in slaw are amazing love you =) cant wait to speak to you agen....and also i cant wait to meet u people out in new zealand=) sorry i was'nt ther when we skyped you =(....well i hope every one is ok and il speak soon love you miss you...xxxx
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Introducing Krissie....Enthusiastic Slough Blogger
Hi guys!
Well, I'm Krissie. I work at Slough Young People's Centre which is one of the organisations involved in the Strangers project. We're doing an Afterhours Arts Academy course called Strangers Drama run by the lovely Lizzie - which I'm sure some of you might even be going to at the moment. I've heard great things about the work which is being done and I'm sure I'll come down from the office upstairs one night and see some awesome performances.
Here's a bit about me. I love Drama and studied it at University and these days I prefer acting to directing though it changes quite often! I love the theme of Strangers for the project as I come from a very diverse family: my parents are Finnish and German, my brothers are American and I am the first English person in my family for four generations. I think we stretch back as far as France six generations ago as well so I'm pretty international and I love that. I really enjoy looking back at my family's roots and seeing how it makes me into the person I am today.
Anyway, loving the photos and blogs that have gone up so far and looking forward to meeting everyone via Skype at some point!
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
A cool moment Peri simply had to share...
Just got back from a most excellent Strangers Wales 3rd Tues night rehearsal and just invited some more of team Wales to join the blog!
While I was on here I suddenly had a thought that Strangers NZ may still be online through the webcam so I gave them a call and although the team had left I still got to chat with Sarah the director and Chris the Filmmaker as they packed things away.
Their skype with Slough sounds really cool and I hope as more people sign up to this blog we can all meet each other here as the project continues. I'm so glad we can use all these means to communicate - its opening up a whole new world!
Thank you team Wales for an awesome rehearsal - you are all stars! If you want to post some of your monologue/scripted scenes straight on here, thats cool.
Bye for now! Peri x
Monday, 24 September 2007
Introducing Nelson Project Manager-Sarah Jones
Friday, 21 September 2007
Introducing Strangers Wales Project Manager...
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
The final shot
Old fashioned Photo shoot
In Brynaman we explored the idea of what takes place in the moments before a photgraph is taken and we're interested in using this in the performance since being inspired by Alex's family photos from the 1940s.