Tuesday, 27 November 2007


Hi there,

Lizzie here. Well this is exciting isn't it? The scripts have started to wend their way around the world for all to enjoy. Now we can start this business of making theatre.

We in Slough are going to have our first read through tonight of the Welsh and Slough scripts and start playing around with how we can weave them together. Have had a few ideas but nothing set in stone yet. thought we'd do a bit of spontaneous patchwork, responding sensitively at first to the scripts to see what instinctively goes with what.

It's a bit like standing on the edge of a cliff and nervous to take that leap lest you've forgotten your glider. I know that we will all support and reaspond to each other as we make that leap into devising and rehearsals. That's vital at this stage int he game.

Come on Slough Massive!! Peri's sent you an invite...no excuses now. We need to get talking and have as clear a voice as Brynamman and Nelson.

One of our group, Kailey, had this idea some time back about breaking the fourth wall and inviting the audience into proceedings but perhaps running some kind of ..."guess who, or whodunnit " type of thing. They could be left with a question about the play at the interval and a poll taken or summat? Just one idea of getting them discussin the play, the characters, the themes rather than just having a beer at the break.

Adrian has a fab notion that we in Slough have leapt at, that Strangers Performance will be a theatre experience from the monent the audience arrive to the moment they leave. We'll achieve this by having grid lines along the floor and up walls that people can follow and at the end they will be, for example, a poem written by one of the group (from any Zone). That way, as much of the work created can be presented to the audience without the play being super long. I was thinking also that there may be couple of vignettes, a short scenario involving two minor characters from earlier development work that could be played in invisible style theatre (is it theatre or are they just stranger people having a public conversation?) in the foyer or outside or in the bar at interval. What do you think?

Love to all, you're amazing.

1 comment:

Sarah Jones said...

Like the invisible theatre idea alot!

And the gridlines but need money for a designer before get to excited.

Each of our productions will be different but texturised and layered by all of these conversations and creativity exchanges via skype and blogg.