Monday, 3 December 2007

So i was thinking....

I was in my room thinking...... if i were to go on a ' Journey ' what 5 items would i take with me and where im going?
so i decided on

1. Mobile
2. Money/ wallet
3. Pictures
4. Clothes
5. Soap!?

And i decided i was running away to somewhere peaceful?

THEN i was thinking what characteristics would i take with me on an Emotional journey??

Anyone else fancy debatins or talking about this?



Sarah Jones said...

On an emotional journey I'd take:

1. Courage
2. Hunility
3. Strength
4. Inner peace
5. Conviction

Stuff I'd take:

1. A laptop with wireless connection so skype and my friends are always with me
2. My photos
3. Toothpaste
4. Rainbow bear
5. Diary

Sarah Jones said...

I meant humility!