Friday 23 May 2008


and experience draws to a spectacular, fantazmagorical and even.....sad sitting here in my kitchen, waiting for my food to cook.....reflecting at all the amazing experiences we've had...all the people we've met......and how it all seemed to not last long one week of working with peri, ive learned more skills than i have in one year of drama classes.....i just shows how determined peri is to get young people into theatre.


there is one thing i will never do.........never ever in a million years will i ever do this thing that i am about to tell is so horrifyingly dreadfuly horrific....that i have forgotten what it was.....

the week we had was so was soo random aswell....some of the people we met were realy profetional.....when others were talking about the time they got a kettle to start boiling after the show!!whitch is realy cool, i never thought of doing that.....getting a kettle to boil just before im off stage....i'll have to do that......anyway on to something a little more to the point.......errrm.......

i wish i was back on work experience :'(

i do like spoons

1 comment:

sarah said...

Hey Jacob

Glad to see ur still making up for lost time on the blog! And glad u had a cool W.E.

Any time you ever have any thoughts, ideas or random rants about theatre get on here and make ur mark.

For example you could start a post about ur ideas for the july project "Keeping it Real" and see if anyone else joins in...! Peter, Alex and Owain often pop on here form time to time and would, I'm sure join in...wouldn't you lads?!?

Anyway, Enjoy ur bank hol and see you tues in Drama
